Sigma Storm 2
100 Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (4, 5) [none]



  1. Receive Viral Detonator Blueprint
  2. Return to (4, 5)
  3. Kill 1x Exalted Sharona (HK)
  4. Return to (4, 5)
  5. Go to (2, 3)
  6. Go to (7, 7)



Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (4,5)
You enter the Apex, a hologram of a Robotic Woman hovers over a low platform.

You don't know how – but fury radiates from the hologram, 'You, I don't believe it! I wanted to talk to you before I kill you.' She rises a clawed hand, it looks familiar. 'You destroyed me once, but from the flames I arose like phoenix. I was replacing my flesh bit by bit, but you guided me into my true form. My perfected avatar. I shall stand over time and watch you all rot into your graves and try to bring meaning to your pathetic lives during the fleeting time alloted to you.'

She throws her head back and laughs. There is something about her eyes that remind you of someone, but you just can't place it....

The woman points at you, 'I will give you one thing, you are persistent. Most would have given up by now and died. I tried to get that Mind Monster to kill you on that derelict Space Station, but you defeated it. I should have known you would have followed the line of the hacking Transmitters back to me. But you must admit, the disguised Fixit fooled you?'

You think back to the OS 1313, the spider-like Research Droid did stand out from all other technology on the station. It had an organic quality, an emotional feel. She was talking to you through it all along. Your eyes are drawn back to the clawed hand, you notice the chromed figures. A gnawing horror begins to build in you belly.

She tilts her head, 'It all started to go wrong with that G27 Cloning Facility, that expensive Cyborg Hacker just couldn't cut the security system, an energy spike killed him.' Without thinking you correct her, 'It was a Power Spear that killed him, not an energy spike.' She blinks, 'How do you know that...?' You simply smile, 'I know that because I was the one that threw the Spear into the Line-In and cooked his brains. The Watch Dog saw the funny side of it.' The Hologram shivers for a second, 'You killed my Hacker, you killed my Chrome Hand, you killed me then blew up my Resurrection Tower, you killed my prototypes, but here it ends!'

Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (4,5)
No – You cannot be Her!

The ranting hologram stops, a smile slips over Her face, 'I'm glad you finally caught up. You do know that Sigma is a war zone right? You have noticed that by now? The makers of the Resurrection Tower were actually competent and built a back-up for such an attack. It did force my mind to run the limited network until I came upon the idea to build a new body. You met my first attempts in SureTec. They were clumsy attempts, I did find other facilities which had better results. The thing about being in the Network was that my mind could work faster than when it was encased in flesh. I also came up with this tower from Shard technology. Glass is so similar to crystal, and there is so much available here. But the Goddess is with me, I think she is as dissatisfied with what has happened to mankind as I am.'

There is a sudden flash, and Sharona disappears. A column of 1's and 0's rises. They twist and flow, it's hypnotic to watch. A voice says softly, 'Fixit, can you hear me?' You nod dumbly, 'That is good, I am the Tower. I have considered the data you gave me. I have reached a conclusion, I do not want to be responsible for the death of hundreds of millions of people. If my Mistress succeeds in Her plans that is exactly what will happen. There is something I can do, take this Viral Detonator Blueprint. Return to me when you have built it.'

'You do not have to worry about my Mistress, I have put Her to sleep. She is a machine after all. But I cannot stop Her subconscious from waking Her up. It's struggling to do so right now. We have little time, go, make the Detonator.'

Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (4,5)
The Mind of the Tower flows before you, 'Have you built a Viral Detonator?'

The Detonator hovers in the Hologram, 'It is well made, you have had lots of practice with making these Blueprints I see. Well I shall give this back to you, you must now destroy my Mistress. I have opened the four remaining doors in this area. Return to me as quickly as you can when you have finished.'

Destroy Exalted Sharona (HK)

You receive 1 x Viral Detonator

Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (4,5)
You return to the Hologram, 'Have you destroyed my Mistress?'

The 1's and 0's pulse gently at your words, you get the distinct impression you're being laughed at. 'I'm sorry, but the Mistress is a machine. Her data files are being uploaded into another body deep within me. You have done well Fixit, now take the teleport to the Crater. Find the Pillar to the Goddess and press the Detonator. Go now.'

Just before you leave you turn back, 'I don't know much, but I do know that what defines us are not our intentions, but our actions.' You vanish in the flash of the teleport.

The 1's and 0's glow radiantly, 'Such a strange Fixit, I never did find out it's prototype model. No matter, I'm just glad I met it.'

Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (2,3)
A silent pillar stands in the Crater.
You have no idea who the goddess is, but one thing you do know. She would not like Sharona Rai, you turn as you hear a strange crackling coming from the Obsidian Towers.

Obsidian Tower (Apex) - (7,7)
You stare in horror as the Force fields flicker...

A Shadow Burned 1

The force field holds against the lava, as you look they shimmer. You guess that back up generators have kicked in somewhere in the tower.

The emerald shield ripples as the lava washes against it

A Shadow Burned 2

The field pulses against the flow of lava

The lava shield collapses in a flash of light!

A Shadow Burned 3

The tower stands in the searing heat for a few seconds. Flames erupt at its base and a groaning of steel heralds the death of the Obsidian Towers.

Sharona Rai has nowhere else to go. Her towers fall with no hope of escape. The Lava kills all. She screams in rage and pain, 'My will shall continue, my face will not leave this world..'

A Shadow Burned 4

As she dies the network link shatters making her prototypes scream in agony.

A Shadow Burned 5

The prototypes shut down as their systems try to absorb the fractured data that has been downloaded into them

Unknown and unseen, data libraries and arrays are reconfigured

A Shadow Burned 6

We are and we hunger!
